Saturday, August 02, 2008

Hiccups on the Blaggynet

Hopefully, y'all can now see this blog yet again. The feedback that I receive from your comments are the only thing that I need in my life to continue plodding through day-by-day. Your input is keeping me from the suicide by Ipecac that is lurking just around the corner. Yes, I plan on vomiting myself to death, when I finally decide to go. Probably in a crowded Day-Care center, too. I want to leave the widest ranging impact on all that witness my horribly painful death. "Scar/Scare the kids" is my lifelong motto.

Yo, that said, there was a romantic meltdown yesterday that was not brought to my attention until late last night. Internet Explorer and Sitemeter broke up. No longer are they to stroll the moonlit beaches and drink cheap wine lovingly from each other's navel. So, if you are using Internet Explorer as your browser and the sites that you want to visit have a Sitemeter brand statistics counter on them, you cannot read those sites.

Now, the quick fix is to ban Internet Explorer, but is that the real solution? No, IE is the browser preferred by the majority of the webby users, so therefore, I kicked that bitch Sitemeter to the curb. The Stat Counter brand statistics counter is by far superior, but doesn't allow you to stay logged in to find and follow your visitors. I shall live through the additional eight steps to see where y'all's is from. I care only about you, not about me. I'm a giver.

I also kinda tightened up the widgets on the side bar while trying to correct the problem. So, maybe you wanna check that out, too.

We now continue our world leading mediocrity. Resume your smooching of Barry's ass. It's okay, he's half white, you know.

Please take the time to comment.