I have not been worrying at all about a Democrat takeover of Congress. They cannot do any worse than the Republicans have been doing for the last couple of years and maybe Bush will have yet another reason to use the VETO PEN!
Look, my post yesterday contained a link that showed exactly what you can look forward to with the Democrats in charge. You knew, but you did it anyway, well now I have to go ask for a raise just to break even.
What, you think that W will veto a spending bill? Well, you my friend are dreadfully wrong.
Anyway, I am looking forward to a bunch of screeching in the press about how all of the sudden the economy looks great, while I will be able to show you quite the opposite with facts. By the way, let's go check how the market is doing this morning. Yea, just as I thought. After a record trading day yesterday, the Dow opens headed for the cellar.
Oh well, you can never have enough gold......

Here's where to move your money. Bonds, baby. Obviously inflation is about to take off. Get the Hell out of any medical stuff because the companies are moving overseas and will not sell here. Oh, except for the Stem Cell Research companies that will be fully funded, but have to produce no results. Gasoline will do pretty well because of all the refineries shutting down, and DEFENSE, well you know.
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