Wonder what Barry is going to do a) if he doesn't actually receive the votes that he thinks he is going to get in the Electoral College and b) if Congress decides he is too stupid to be President and decides to count wrong, or c) if he really isn't eligible to be president?
Ruh roh!
Here's another little thing in the news that gives me the willies. Directive 10-289 being put to use in China. Man, this is getting really too damn creepy.
Remember those guys in Iran that Barry was going to cuddle to capitulation? NOT SO MUCH. OH NOES! The world doesn't like us again! Barry is bad! Barry is bad!
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Dude, you're like, a trendsetter. A visionary!
Gnasty, don't go all Chris Matthews leg on me now, I cheated to get the top spot.
What do you want to see me leading the Google search for? I'll produce it within a day for ya'.
Gnasty, don't go all Chris Matthews leg on me now, I cheated to get the top spot.
What do you want to see me leading the Google search for? I'll produce it within a day for ya'.
Dude, you're like, a trendsetter. A visionary!
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