It looks very efficient.
However, these vehicles, born of necessity, ingenuity, and Dark-Thirty parts thefts, are soon to be a thing of the past.
WOW! One hundred whole deaths since 2003. That is almost the number of folks that have died in serious washing machine accidents.
Alcohol was NOT involved in the making of this vehicle, by the way.
Here's the rest of the original group:
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Dang! That...that "thing" can probably take a whole famdamily into the swamps, where they can salvo-fire a whole flock of ducks, or one rogue weather balloon from some liberal dumbass from Colorado ;)
Skunkfeathers, that might be the perfect storm chasing vehicle if it had a roof on it.
Can I get one of those in pink? Sure would be handy for some creek running. I'd get to the store quicker. :)
Paul, it needs to weigh about 10 tons more, and have some aerodynamic reshaping, for a tornado vehicle.
Put Rosie O'Donnell on it, and the first problem is solved...
Can I get one of those in pink? Sure would be handy for some creek running. I'd get to the store quicker. :)
Dang! That...that "thing" can probably take a whole famdamily into the swamps, where they can salvo-fire a whole flock of ducks, or one rogue weather balloon from some liberal dumbass from Colorado ;)
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