I noticed that The Google added the Sidewiki this morning automatically and that is kinda cool, but Glydo is sooper! And it is a Firefox Add-On, so there is nothing that you have to do other than install it to your browser.
I can now find related stories, videos, Tweets, and FAILbook entries without doing a damned thing! Plus, to further annoy the crap outta all of my FAILbook friends, I can post at least twenty times more Liberal Hating Junk.
So far, I count about twelve different kinds of WIN! for Glydo.
OH YEAH! I added back the "Share/Bookmark" button to posts, too. So, you throw these blog posts around like a crazy person. You owe it to the world.
Please take the time to comment.
Off subject: retail management at Christmas blows goats...comments coming after I'm NOT working 80 hours a damn week. :)
RETAIL management - not Re-TAIL management, Dude. :) heh...
Paul, that Glydo is cool. I installed it on your recommendation, and you're right.
Hey, I wondered what was up with CJ. I thought she didn't love us no more.
I can milk a goat, you know. Just sayin'.
BTW, did you change your comment page to take up the whole screen on purpose?
Just curious.
Oh, never mind. After I installed the Glydo, and restarted Firefox, every comment box I access takes the full page...not just on your place.
CJ got a seasonal jobby job to fill the bank account, Andy. That chick digs us, she ain't going nowhere.
And if I need my goat milked, you shall be the first person I call.
The comment form pops up as the small window for me, maybe it is a I-DEE-10-T problem, Andy.
Paul, an I-DEE-10-T problem? Ya' lost me. I can milk a goat, but that's about the extent of my technological expertise.
Yeppers, I lurve y'all! :)
Got asked to stay and they giving me my own store January 1. I blame a little something called a work ethic. Apparently people with that are hard to find. I blame Obama.
Cool CJ! Good on ya', if you like what you're doing. What kind of a store is it?
Thanks, Andy! :) I shall be the HBIC (Head B*tch In Charge) at Dollar General...jewelry going on the back burner to simmer till spring. ;)
Cool! Girl, I love me some Dollar General! But, ain't you too white to manage one of those?
My cousin, Ross Newland, was the corporate head of security for them at one time. He was a polygraph guy in the Navy, and worked his way up to some big bucks with them. I think he's retired now, though.
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