Thursday, July 01, 2010

Barry Obama - IDIOT

What is up with this dumbass leading our country and his idiotic speeches in Wisconsin? Does the state just bring out the moron in him or something? If you recall, Wisconsin is where Barry was when he first plagiarized Deval Patrick's dumbass speech.

Here is President Dumbass from this week's trip to Wisconsin.

What kind of special retard do you have to be to actually NOT understand what is going on with our economy right now? Well, obviously, you must be a Democrat kinda retard to NOT KNOW beyond any doubt that the "solutions" coming from DC are actually just like the "solutions" offered up by the first coming of Democrat economic idiocy, Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

The posts for years on this very blog have explained in great detail why electing Democrats is a terrible idea. You see what it is doing to your income, the income of everyone you know, and the future income of generations not yet born. Here is a post I wrote in November 2007 pointing out exactly what is to come in the future since we have started jacking up the minimum wage once the Democrats took over DC again.

Guess what? As usual, I was freaking right. Where's my check?

Now, there are some that will argue that we simply have not given Barry's stupid economic lunacy long enough to work. We have been trying the exact same things that he is pushing through right now, FOR YEARS. Occasionally, we get a group of folks in the government that start unraveling the FAILBOAT, then morons realize that the welfare is about to be dismantled and they elect Democrats again, and the cycle continues.

I say enough. Normal people have been fighting the policies of Democrats ever since the Dems started the Ku Klux Klan to keep slavery in place. Our intellectual ancestors have fought the Democrats through the cronyism of years past, have fought them to integrate our society, fought them to keep our borders and our country safe from illegals, the list is endless.

We are now at the tipping point. There has never been a better time to drive the final nail in the coffin of the Democrat Party. That is so absolutely, blatantly obvious to anyone, that is capable of rational thought, that it boggles the mind.

From the video above, we see that not only does Barry not know what the Hell he is talking about, he plans to press on with the very economic policy that brought about this collapse. Double down on stupid, BARRY!

Let's check the record quickly.

The main points that we must touch on with regard to how huge electing these idiots is the fact that Barry is going to place at least TWO justices on the Supreme Court. Already, he has placed Sonia Sotomayor who is obviously the least qualified justice in the history of our great republic. Not to be outdone BY HIMSELF! Barry has offered up Elena Kagan, who exceeds even Sotomayor's stupidity.

Folks, these idiots will be on the court for minimally twenty years. They will effect the lives of people for the next two THOUSAND years. We have to stop the Kagan confirmation from happening. Get on the phone as quickly as you can to your Senator.

First up, here is a new site that chronicles the involvement of Obama in the Blagojevich crimes. Yes, Barry's actions were criminal, he should be in jail. This is only a small part of why he should be in jail, too.

Obamanomics has crushed the housing market.

Housing market is now the WORST EVER IN HISTORY.

In case you were unaware, construction is fully ten percent of our economy.

And how do the Obama Fanboys in my industry react? They plead with their master to only go after BIG BUSINESS. This article is so utterly asinine and wrong that I hang my head in shame at the architecture industry. I freaking hate architects. Y'all dumbasses elected this dumbass, YOU VOTED FOR THIS SHIT!!!

What else we got?

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office states plainly, competently, and directly that Obamanomics is going to send the entire world into the abyss.

Just a quick point, the CBO only releases very, very conservative estimates of economic failure. They are ALWAYS on the "looks good" side. In other words, what they are saying is that what they are predicting is already the reality. There is no way to stop it at all. Plant a garden, NOW. Buy ammo, build a bunker, and start bringing the livestock in.

And today, Barry opines on the illegal, criminal Mexican issue. He'll be wrong as usual because he is stupid as FUCK.

Please take the time to comment.


Paul Mitchell said...

As much sense as that makes, BtB, I am still unconvinced that Obama is smart enough to fool us all.

Andy said...

Oh, Paul...he hasn't fooled us ALL! Barry the Barbarian is right.

It is definitely a deliberate plan. Pal, it's gonna get UGLY...with a capital U.

Red said...

It's like my Dad says: Keep your powder dry.

Skunkfeathers said...

After Barry the little got elected, he believed that his and Sol Alinsky's time had come: useful idiots elected him, and useful idiots would prop up his FAIL ideology.

But and the Japanese at Pearl Harbor, Barry the little has awakened a sleeping giant in the American electorate, and filled them with a terrible resolve. To throw Barry the little and friends into the FAIL can of history at the polls.

November 2010 will be an indicator.

Dapper Dan said...

Paul, your comments about Barry Zero are, as usual, on the mark, incisive and subtly stated.

But I do have one bone to pick. You say Barry is "stupid as FUCK." This word "fuck" is an excellent word and in my mind represents something tremendously good and exciting. And to see it put in the same sentence with Beastie Barry and to see it used to intensify the word "stupid" may have done some psychological damage to me. My mental condition is already extremely fragile, and your skewed use of the word "fuck" hasn't helped. Like I said, "Fuck,"is good, it's not stupid. Shit, for example, is stupid. And think of all the endless variations: horseshit, batshit, birdshit, etc. Oh no. Now I just realized I've gone to far here and that only someone who's as stupid as FUCK would do that. Sorry.

Joubert said...

Paul, Obama isn't "smart enough to fool us all" as Andy points out. Actually he is not all that clever at all. He's a vain empty-headed lazy opportunist willing to do the bidding of his Marxist puppeteers.

Skunkfeathers said...

How's about "Barry's dumb as a doorknob whilst manipulated by George Soros"?

Paul Mitchell said...

Sorry for not getting back sooner. I am back in The 'Sip and my internet connection is as dependable as all stolen internet connections get.

Andy, who did you vote for, Obama or McCain?

Red, my powder is ALWAYS dry. ALWAYS.

Skunkfeathers, we saw what Obama was capable of in the late 1970's, we forgot or some of us never knew.

Dan, I agree with your definition, it is just that is the most harsh word I know and I used it solely because of that.

BtB, I just hope the corrupt media is not successful in their skewing of the truth.

Andy said...

Well Dang! I started to e-mail you just to see if you was still living. Glad to know you're okay, and in mo' familiar territory.

Threw you out, did she?

I voted AGAINST Obama.

When is September gonna' be?

Paul Mitchell said...

Dude, I cannot get rid of that millstone. I am drowning!

Seriously, we are just back for the Independence Day holiday. Fireworks and all that jazz.

Andy said...

Well, just enjoy the water...

Dapper Dan said...

Paul, I was just joking around. That is a perfect word to use re Zero's stupidity.

paul mitchell said...

Sorry for not getting back sooner. I am back in The 'Sip and my internet connection is as dependable as all stolen internet connections get.

Andy, who did you vote for, Obama or McCain?

Red, my powder is ALWAYS dry. ALWAYS.

Skunkfeathers, we saw what Obama was capable of in the late 1970's, we forgot or some of us never knew.

Dan, I agree with your definition, it is just that is the most harsh word I know and I used it solely because of that.

BtB, I just hope the corrupt media is not successful in their skewing of the truth.

Skunkfeathers said...

How's about "Barry's dumb as a doorknob whilst manipulated by George Soros"?

Barry the Barbarian said...

Paul, Obama isn't "smart enough to fool us all" as Andy points out. Actually he is not all that clever at all. He's a vain empty-headed lazy opportunist willing to do the bidding of his Marxist puppeteers.