It is impossible to doubt the stupidity that just breeds naturally among Democrats. This is undeniable. The Democrat leadership is a particularly robust source of utter stupidity. Reference Barry Obama. Joe Biden. Harry Reid. Barney Frank. Nancy Pelosi. Hillary Clinton. Hank Johnson. Dennis Kucinich. John Conyers. Charlie Rangel. Maxine Waters. Bill Richardson. Corrine Brown. Mike Gravel. John Edwards. Cynthia McKinney. Christopher Dodd. Paul Krugman. Folks, I can name hundreds of these idiots off the top of my head. Just plug any one of these names into You Tube and prepare to be utterly shocked at the fact that people this stupid even EXIST, much less get ELECTED!
Now, this morning when on the way back to la casa (that's Mexican for the house!), I hear Barney Frank on the radio stating that HE, Barney Frank, had NEVER championed home ownership for those poor folks that could not afford to buy a house. This is a blatant, out and out, LIE.
So, to Teh Google to look that up. What I found instead was this from Barbara Boxer trying to lie her way around the fact that she is a monumental tax and spend POS. Check it.
There is so much bullshit in this one little 2:18 video that it would take me the rest of the entire day debunking every, single lie that Boxer told. Seriously, I could write one million words on how many lies she told in less than two and a half minutes.
But, let me give you the Cliff Notes.
Barbara Boxer states that Bill Clinton started an economic and jobs expansion that was the biggest in history. Um, Bill Clinton had a Democrat Congress for TWO of his EIGHT years. Every bit of the economic expansion that happened, and every job that was created during Bill Clinton's RAPE through history was brought about by Republicans controlling the purse stings, folks.
Then she goes on to say that George W. Bush killed that expansion. Since she is so obviously LYING, let's check the short response. There is no way for anyone to claim that the economy was BAD under George Bush. It is NOT POSSIBLE.
The economy started cooling off after the Democrats took Congress and began their rape through the countryside, starting with jacking minimum wage up to ridiculous levels. Make no mistake, even setting a minimum wage is a STUPID STUPID STUPID thing to do, but to continually increase it is even more stupid, if that is even possible.
But, back to Barney Frank and his assumption that his words from yesterday just magically disappeared. Check it.
Please put his in perspective. Barney Frank has been a Congressman since 1981, fully twenty-nine years. There are THOUSANDS of videos on You Tube of him lying through his teeth. It is beyond my comprehension that a single person would ever vote for this guy unless they had a FREE MONEY TRAIN rolling in because of Barney.
That is the only reason at all to ever vote for a Democrat. You have to be a deadbeat piece of shit, no working loser to vote for Democrats. Or sandpoundingly stupid. There is not a Democrat in this country that should not be in prison for their crimes against humanity.
In case you are keeping score, and you should be, here are some of the more heinous crimes perpetrated by Democrats, JUST THIS WEEK or discovered this week.
All of this Democrat corruption that continues to ooze forth from their lairs is the sole reason that tarring and feathering was conceived.
UPDATE: I kicked open the Reader to check some news for a minute, and lo and behold what I found. Harry Reid, the Senate Majority Leader caught in a HUGE lie, yet again. Shocker.
Are Democrats so ridiculously stupid that they think that the Internet, invented by Al Gore, STILL doesn't exist? Oh, wait, they must be going on Al's track record with inventions. You know, since the global warming thing was fake, they think the internet must be too? Al, you should immediately stop crying wolf.
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She's awake and she's speaking; ergo, . . . .
Where would lies be, without libtards?
Oh, wait...we do have some RINOs out there...
Where would lies be, without libtards?
Oh, wait...we do have some RINOs out there...
She's awake and she's speaking; ergo, . . . .
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