Hey, it's old Cleetus here. Frenz call me Cleet. We dun had a guud weekend. All the fambly turned out and we cooked a hog in the groun. Lots of PBR and Black Jack, too. Guud thang we had plintee of yard to park in. Visit the rest of my fambly on the sidebarr.
papst blue ribon and jack daniels black!! the best shit in the world. reminds me of my cousin... god do i want to f*** that little hottie.
If you are only going for a chicken, I wouldn't see a problem. It's the best way to cook game, too. I'm surprised that living as close as you do to a college town, you've enever had this type of grilling.
Hi two dogs. A pig in the ground and Jack that is my kind of cook out. The red trans am looks like the black one I have sitting in my yard. Have a great day, Linda
papst blue ribon and jack daniels black!! the best shit in the world.
reminds me of my cousin... god do i want to f*** that little hottie.
For the curious sort, such as Nzyme, go here....for pig movies!
Nzyme, hope things get brighter in your neck of the woods soon! TD, that was too funny!
Thanks Oddybobo, not too many people would understand the Trans Am picture.
If you are only going for a chicken, I wouldn't see a problem. It's the best way to cook game, too. I'm surprised that living as close as you do to a college town, you've enever had this type of grilling.
dang...all them cars is beautiful, but ain't nothin' like my ole pickup with the rust on the side panels...she's got cherichter.
Hi two dogs. A pig in the ground and Jack that is my kind of cook out. The red trans am looks like the black one I have sitting in my yard. Have a great day, Linda
Do you really have a black Trans Am in your front yard?
Yes I do. It needs a radiator and a steering colum(not for sure on the spelling). Linda
What year model? I'm having the Bandit flashbacks right now.
It is a 1985. That is all I know about it. The car belongs to my son.
It is a 1985. That is all I know about it. The car belongs to my son.
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