My Headline:
Multi-Millionaire Submissive Male Model and Rocket Scientist Seeks Domineering Woman!
My Description Thing:
After being voted sexiest man alive for the last four years, I have decided to try to meet women online. My interests include: creating seasonal floral centerpieces, purchasing vast amounts of women's shoes, cooking and cleaning, changing diapers, going to the mall, traveling to obscure seaside villas in foreign countries, horseback riding on moonlit beaches in exotic places, small showdogs, plowing the Joneses under, writing love letters, poetry, and Christmas cards, redecorating and moving furniture, washing and folding clothes, romantic candle-lit dinners, pedicures, weekends at the spa, talking about our lives and your feelings, talking to your mother on the phone, and "just" cuddling.
Did I miss anything? Further suggestions are welcomed.
UPDATE: The Photos! Which will it be?

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