The image is of my stat page this morning. AOL Sports linked this idiotic blog. I had no damn idea there was still an AOL and that people used them, but the hits are three pages deep from that one link, so there are more morons in this country than I thought.
You know how a dog jumps on you when you return home after work? It's because he's a dog and he thinks that the minute you leave the house, you are never returning. Sure, there are some thirteen year old dogs that do not do that, but they are rare. It's because they have no memory at all, they're dogs. And yes, I love damn dogs too damn much because you can give them a bone and they are happy and keep coming back for more because they know where they can get more bones.
Humans are the same damn way. If anyone could actually take the time to look at the past, they would see that the same things continually repeat. Cause and effect, you know? You do A, and B happens. It never changes ever. People who react emotionally to stimuli, instead of intellectually, tend to be the worst culprits of this behavior. "Herbert, we have to give money to help out in the Sudan!"
"Uh, haven't we already spent like eleventy trillion dollars there and it still sucks?"
One of the many things that disturb me is when folks try to do those things because they FEEL right and they wonder why it didn't turn out right at the end. It's because you didn't play it out until the end of the scenario. Cause and effect.
"Oh, I gave the poor, helpless family on the street corner some money because it's Christmas!" You just increased their time for being losers, therefore INCREASED their suffering. Yes, we are supposed to help our fellow man, but is simply giving someone something for nothing helping? No, it is not. Lead that family to a employment office and you ARE helping.
"But, the kids didn't ask to be in that situation!" True, but they are learning behavior all the damn time. Teach them the right way to do things, because they have certainly been taught the wrong one. New Age morons call it "tough love." I call it common sense and doing the right thing, repeating behavior that receives a positive end result.
June Jones is a terrible coach, and I think that I proved that simply by showing you his RECORD. That is history and it tends to repeat, no matter what topic we're discussing. Judging future results from past results makes all the sense in the world.
SMU has invited this terrible coach to their campus to interview for the head coaching job. The salary being batted around is TWO MILLION DAMN DOLLARS! I could understand this salary completely if SMU was a powerhouse football program, if they played in a BCS conference, if they had no Texas, A&M, or Oklahoma with which to contend for athletes. But, I can NEVER accept the fact that they are interviewing June Jones. Furthermore, SMU is a PRIVATE university that has had one winning season in twenty years and historically has not been very good at football except for the short stretch that cost them the DAMN football program because they were cheating to win. So why do you think that they think they can be good at football? Because they got a bone once. Just once, mind you, but it was enough to keep them thinking that they can always get a bone.
Of course, they FORGOT that they had to cheat to do it, they just remember that it happened.
Blue chip athlete says, "You know, I was thinking about going to USC, but SMU has offered me a full ride. There is my ticket to the NFL."
Uh, when was the last time that SMU was on television? How will anyone know that you even exist and that you can play football if you never play a team that is worth a crap and they never see you? Plus, playing on a team that will never play a schedule that gets any exposure and they will not have a chance to play in the BCS? Yes, Eric Dickerson came from SMU and Craig James, too, I am sure there are others, but who the Hell are they?
Please remember that Hawaii is NOT good at football. The THIRD place team in the SEC recreated the laundry scene from Shawshank on them. It was so not even damn close that it was embarrassing to watch. I heard it put that it was like watching the New England Patriots play a high school team. Colt Brennan proved he is a terrible quarterback, Hawaii proved they are a terrible football team and June Jones has continually proved he is a terrible coach.
That said, two million for a coach at SMU? June Jones?
Now, the philosophy. With all the jabbering about change in the media yesterday, do you think that SMU's football program will change if they hire June Jones? Do you think that Barry Obama is the candidate for change? Huckabee?
Holy shit! You do? Then why the Hell are you reading this blog? Put your helmet back on and start that pounding of the wall with your head again.
AOL Sports article HERE.
This is really a nice blog .. i like that ! this is really a good thing !
now a days the dogs are much more understandable than the humans!
Y'know, I think I actually remember when SMU had a footbawl team, and got spanked by the NCAA for 'cheating'. Since then, they're never heard of, other than as a passing reference akin to a free spot on a bingo card. And they want to offer June Jones 2 mil/year?
Hell, I could coach them as badly as June could, and I'd do it for 200k.
Wasn't it due to the cheats of Bobby Collins, who created problems for both USM and MSU as well?
This is really a nice blog .. i like that ! this is really a good thing !
now a days the dogs are much more understandable than the humans!
Y'know, I think I actually remember when SMU had a footbawl team, and got spanked by the NCAA for 'cheating'. Since then, they're never heard of, other than as a passing reference akin to a free spot on a bingo card. And they want to offer June Jones 2 mil/year?
Hell, I could coach them as badly as June could, and I'd do it for 200k.
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