Her: You better get that idea out of your head.
Me: I simply couldn't.
Her: You gotta go through me to get a phone.
Me: I didn't.
Me: Let's bet.
Her: Okee-dokee.
Me: I am going to kill myself to make sure you lose your job.
Her: Okee-dokee.
Me: 4 answers correct and 2 free phones later......
Her: Wrong on every count and unemployed.
Full story HERE.
Please take the time to draw the line with bad customer service.
UPDATE: After going through the boxes and looking at the phones, I discovered a rebate form in each box. Not only did Alltel send me two free phones and fire the dumbass, they are also going to give me fifty dollars each for the phones. Scorecard now reads: Me with all answers correct and two free phones, PLUS one hundred smacks. Girl is still unemployed and stupid.
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