Monday, September 08, 2008

Entire Campaign Coverage Budget Blown by Man in the Field

Since the financiers of this blog have been planning and coniving to cover the presidential election for the last three years because our vast readership desires to be informed, we had amassed a great fortune of six Salty but Sweet Energy Bars, a half-tin of Hooters really strong mints, a used Reagan sticker, and a five dollar Old Navy gift card. Nevertheless, Herb blew the entire fortune on the one trip that we seriously wanted to cover, McCain's campaign stop in Colorado Springs.

And to add insult to injury, he lost the top to our World War II surplus canteen in the process.

But, without any further adieu, whatever the Hell that is, take it away, HERB.

Please take the time to comment.

Oh, and check out the AP Poll on the sidebar. Crash and burn for tOSU Community College, but those USC Trojans, man they are awesome! A resounding win over BYE this past Saturday keeps them in the top slot.