Him: Thank G_d we got rid of Bush and his big business friends, they have crushed the economy.
Me: Seriously, you fucking retard, do you realize that you are wearing a fucking Hollister shirt and sitting in Starbucks?
Him: Yeah, so?
Me: Where is your fucking helmet?
Needless to say, he was having a conversation with an unwashed boy/girl/ambiguous other behind the counter that had plugs in his/hers/undecided's ears the size of a carnival tent's GROMMETS.
Please take the time to comment.
What were you doing at Starbucks?
They sell coffee, Dean04Prez. I was waiting on a Democrat to make my coffee.
Im just saying its a real progressive coffee shop. I would have thought a neocon would be happy to drink like 7 Eleven coffee. I'm just saying.
Dean04Prez, do you mean the morons behind the counter or the people running it? Or do you mean since they have a really bad business model that they are progressive?
I am saying that it is well know that progressives frequently frequent Starbucks's.
The only "progressives" that I know that are frequently in Starbucks are the ones making the coffee. The coffee is somewhat expensive there and for the most part "progressives" do not have jobs or either they work for the government because they are not smart enough to work elsewhere.
For shame, TD! Why pay their outrageous prices? I can buy enough cappuccino to make 10 cups for less than 4 dollars. I can't even bring myself to pay 7-11 prices.
sounds like you must have been hanging out with my 16-year-old, who is still young enough to get away with being a complete moron.
and wears hollister shirts and goes to starbucks.
she will grow out of it, or i'm shipping her off to military school.
I just thought of this when you typed military school.
i have that "Finkelstein shit kid" audio on my phone!
That was the last movie I saw at a drive-in.
i have that "Finkelstein shit kid" audio on my phone!
Your waaaaay over generalizing about progressives.
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