Anyhoo, big ol' boy decided to jump on our girl, Christina Jade, because obviously he is a panty-wearing booty-boy of such monumental proportions that girls are the only thing he can defeat with demonstrations of strength. Oh well, maybe he could battle wet paper sacks full of dogshit in a test of intellectual firepower!
Here's the Paducah Underground Board in case you have a few words to share.
Or in case you really want to stand up for our ladies, here's the wrestling promoter's site. I am certain that words of constructive criticism would be welcomed. Here's the e-mail if you are so inclined:
Please take the time to comment.
Just so ya'll know, I kinda feel like the chick that just got pulled off the tracks with the train coming. Us girls kinda like that, y'know.
Not quite done yet, CJ. There is more to come.
I had posted to Christina's blog before seeing this.
Just so you understand how the group around us works, this is actually amazing.
If you want to hate on us, the best medicine is to ignore us.
But thanks for the shout out.
Hooper, the free debate between opposing ideologies is what is important to me, but when someone promotes TROLLING at a site that does not even attempt to post inflammatory stuff, it is maddening.
I understand why I get hatemail and trolls. To send them to CJ's blog is just wrong.
Apparently what those folks don't realize is that by visiting my blog, they might learn something. By trolling? They will get slammed with facts until they cry.
FACTS! The Libtard's Kryptonite!
RPM (since those are your REAL initials), I pulled my #3 son out of "wrestling" when he was a Junior in High School.
We went to WAY too many wrestling tournaments before I finally shut the whole thing down.
Almost every coach, wrestler, and ref reminded me of the Du Pont really queer dude that had a "fixation" with boys wriggling around together, and finally killed somebody (I think.)
I'll bet Christina could take all of the KY wrestler crowd, and send them back to their "gym" (?) with one slap.
Andy, you're probably right, but as I have aged and mellowed...I try to keep the violence down.
So I pack a taser.
This reminds me of a line from a movie..."Hooper, ya idiot, ain't ya watchin' it???"
CJ, when you got PM pullin' ya off the tracks, who needs a Canadian Mountie? ;)
Exactly, Skunk! Besides, those guys wear weird pants.
Drew, I have to drag myself UP to be down in it, trust me.
Just so ya'll know, the site in question was one I had NEVER BEEN TO and wouldn't if someone had said it was fantastic. What started this whole mess was my feedjit counter that said I was getting an AMAZING amount of traffic from over there, so I went to see why. Apparently all those folks think I'm an idiot. Nice.
The worst part? They are REFUSING to offer this so-called evidence of my being an idiot. Debating is fun, but it sure would be nice to know WHAT I'm supposed to be debating.
Hey GREAT! Now, I am getting hits from the birthplace of the Klan, too!
Dude, I gotta go clean out the compost pile, it is starting to smell like Smyrna or something around here.
It's like sewage... all it takes is a little push in any direction and then it all begins to flow that way.
CJ, PM: Keep your waders on... I'm just sayin.
Change, does not roll in, on the wheels of inevitability. But comes through continuous struggle. Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed.
Take it. Demand it.
We are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not Forgive. We do not Forget.
None of us, are as cruel as all of us.
This is only the beginning. Expect us.
Anonymous, if you continue to be legion, part of a group, and dependent on others, you shall forever remain ANONYMOUS.
Be your own man.
Actually, CL, Legion is a small lake right outside Magee, MS that smells like an agri-business TURD FARM, but who's keeping track?
I'm interviewing with a composting company for an operations manager job... You can guess what they're composting and what it smells like... As my interviewer and potential boss said, 'We're number 1 in the number 2 business!'
I'm hoping the lame shit jokes stop after I get hired, but I'm not holding my breath! *rim shot
Their activities make them an affront to freedom.
Remember. All that is necessary. For the triumph of evil. Is that good men do nothing.
This information is Everywhere.
It is your Duty to expose it.
It is easy to find.
This is not Religious Persecution. But the suppression of a powerful, criminal fascist regime.
Ominous, Anony. Gripping, did you make that up yourself?
Hey...I have been to Paducah. Glad to know that there are still some "atomic gals" hanging around.
Hey, wasn't one of those guys that sang with Elvis from Paducah?
Hey...I have been to Paducah. Glad to know that there are still some "atomic gals" hanging around.
Hey, wasn't one of those guys that sang with Elvis from Paducah?
Ominous, Anony. Gripping, did you make that up yourself?
CJ being the exceptional resident of that fine burg, BTW.
... and they have a very nice historical rest stop with airconditioned restrooms....
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