Seriously, Flarda struggled with Vandy? There is not one single, solitary statistic that Vandy led in other than third down conversions. Vandy scored ONE field goal in the third quarter. Florida was NEVAH in trouble in this game at all.
If you really want to know who struggled today, it was uSCCC. Check the stats.
Maybe NUMBER EIGHT Oregon struggled.
Or maybe, NUMBER ELEVEN Penn State.
Seriously, who works for The Four Letter that is not a stark raving lunatic? It is like the Barrystream Media is trying to keep Barry in the top ten. Really.
Please take the time to comment.
only one thing mattered this weekend...and that's that my team lost :(
It's that f***ing marxist Barry's fault.
Skunks, that's what Iowa gets for voting in Barry. Without their damned caucuses, Hillary would be President.
Crap, that didn't come out right...
Skunks, Imma gonna post something about Iowa today, sir.
Andy, no, that did not come out right.
i tip my hat to the SEC officiating crews.
C+T, they are like the federal government in charge of footbaw.
TFLN screwed Georgia out of the championship a couple of years back, by pushing hard for LSU to make it to the game. I hope they don't wield as much power at the end of this season. Playoffs would solve that.
Basil, you know that I am in on your playoff system. Get on it, again, sir.
Basil, I love ya', and you know I do. And, I am in your corner on playoffs.
But...y'all Bulldog fans gotta let that one go. It is what it is. Richt is still considered (outside of GA) as a whiny whimp because of that.
Heck, I'm an LSU homer that will have to live with Cincy, TCU, and probably USC in BCS Bowl games...knowing that we could thrash all of 'em.
It's FOOTBALL! It's the NCAA! It's the SYSTEM!
And my word verification is one of the most popular names for young black females: alitesha
Richt was a bad choice for UGA for other reasons. Discipline, for one. I said Paul Johnson would've been a better choice at the time, and history bears me out.
Still, could you imagine how good the game would have been if it had been LSU-UGA instead of LSU-tOSU? Admit it. It would've been a helluva game.
Basil...in my wildest dreams, I could not imagine a better one.
Politics suck! But sports politics suck even more!
No doubt that Ohio State had no business being in the house that night. And, it would have given me even more pleasure to see LSU cream GA (nyuk).
Oh man...I'm such a homer. And trust me Basil, I love all SEC homers. The truth is, and Two Dogs has often noted, that the real national championship is held in Atlanta.
The only good thing about LSU facing the Buckeyes that night was that my #2 son lives in Columbus (not your Columbus...the wretched one in Ohio), and has gone over to the dark side.
I tried to learn my boys better than that. FAIL! It was just lovely to hear the phone ring...look at the caller ID...and to hear the concession speech. ;)
BTW, even though I'm a Tiger homer, I still know that Georgia got screwed by the refs this season. (excessive celebration)
Dang...sometimes I think I need to get another passion...
Andy, we're talking college football. It's not life and death. It's so much more important than that.
But "suck" in the SEC usually qualifies for champion in any other conference.
And, just like UGA is heading down, MSU will head up. So, you'll get no sympathy from me. In a year, maybe two, the best Bulldogs in the conference won't hail from Athens.
Basil, MSU averages 4.3 wins a season. If you take out 1998-2000, when Jackie was cheating like Burr Bryant, 4.1 wins a season. Y'all have nothing to worry about, really.
Man...do I ever love SEC junk! I mean, a Football season without the SEC would be like hell without the fire...not even worth the trouble of paying attention.
Basil, you are one funny dude. And Paul, I did not expect any sympathy from you to begin with. But, I appreciate the affirmation, my friend!
NYUK! My word verification is: palin
Crap...it was Basil denying sympathy. (It's getting late in the evening, and I'm "sundowning" I guess)
Master Paul, you have my sympathy. I suffered through about 30 miserable seasons as a Tiger fan.
As the coonasses say, "I know where you is coming at!"
Basil, MSU averages 4.3 wins a season. If you take out 1998-2000, when Jackie was cheating like Burr Bryant, 4.1 wins a season. Y'all have nothing to worry about, really.
C+T, they are like the federal government in charge of footbaw.
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