In the last week, we have had YET ANOTHER MUSLIM try to kill a bunch of folks on another airplane. Much has been said about Janet Napolitano's statement about the system working, but I have only seen one post on the SUCCESS of the attempt. Full Metal Patriot has a take very similar to mine.
Now, the fun part of the story, defining TERRORISM. How about calling it what it is? "(T)he use of extreme fear in order to coerce people." Dude gets some stuff to blow up plane. Dude ignites stuff on plane. Dude is FOILED in his attempt to kill over 200 people by his incompetence and the alert passengers on the plane. Government passes more idiotic regulations that expressly prohibit profiling Muslims. You remember Muslims, right? They are ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of all terrorists on Earth today.
Terrorism mission ACCOMPLISHED. We have MORONS running our government, but I am sure that y'all already know that?
Just because no one was murdered by the Muslim doesn't mean that terror was not incited. And the other thing that happened was that people were coerced to do some stupid stuff that will not make these very attempts any more difficult.
In a weird turn of events, the MOST MUSLIM city in the United States is planning a "protest" against the Muslim that committed the act of terrorism in Detroit. This should be fun. Maybe ONE WHOLE PERSON will show up to protest Muslim terrorism. Or maybe thousands will show up to chant "Death to America!!!"
Remember who to blame for the explosion of Muslim terrorism in the world, Jimmy Carter. The APee has an article touting Carter's "legacy." Call me stupid, but it seems that the APee is PRO-CARTER.
Funny how Jimmy Carter also gave us Chris Matthews. Chrissy makes the news today by admitting that he is a fan of Saul Alinsky, just like Barry Obama, Hillary Clinton, and pretty much the entire Democrat Party. If you do not know Saul Alinsky, here's the Wiki on him. Yes, he was a devout Communist, destroyed Oakland almost single-handedly, and fathered the ideology of the new (Socialist) Democrat Party.
So that brings us to how fucking stupid the President is. Big Government reduced Barry's stupidity to six individual policy determinations. It is amazing that they even tried to pare down the list because Barry has not had ONE SINGLE GOOD POLICY DECISION. It is like we have an utter contrarian running the country. But, go down the list and watch how these very simple wrong decisions snowball into the ridiculousness that is our federal government today. he has not been in office a whole year yet and shit, Hell, damn.
The six are simply ridiculous in their ideology. You could not have made worse decisions if that was your goal. And that is the STANDARD of this administration.
While we are discussing these decisions and General Motors, let's just look at the ONE thing that most jabbering heads are talking about to bolster the idea that the economy is recovering. The STOCK MARKET. Right now, the DJIA is at 10,547.08. When the Democrats took control of Congress in January of 2007, the DJIA was sitting at 12,013.98, but there was a little difference in the DJIA at that time.
There are thirty stocks in the DJIA. When the Democrats took control of our federal government, Bank of America, Chevron, Cisco, Kraft Foods, and Travelers were not a part of the DJIA. These stocks replaced Honeywell, Altria, Citigroup, AIG, and General Motors, respectively. Let's check where the DJIA would be if those stocks were not replaced, mmmmkay?
BoA 15.29 v. Honeywell 39.81
Chevron 77.77 v. Altria 19.98
Cisco 24.08 v. Citigroup 3.39
Kraft Foods 27.48 v. AIG 31.50
Travelers 49.83 v. GM 2.67

I hate to be the bearer of bad news every day, but we are getting lied to about the economy, friends. The feds are protecting their jobs at our expense.
Not only has the market been falsely inflated, but if you do away with after hours trading, even with the complete revamp, the market is at best FLAT.
The Mayor of Mitchieville has MORE GOOD ECONOMIC NEWS.
On a final note, many blogs have linked this video of Senator Max Baucus in horror that he is totally smashed at the lectern in the Senate. My take is that this is the most intelligent diatribe I have ever heard from a Democrat. Seriously, Baucus, in this video, makes more sense than any other person in his party at any time in my lifetime.
If you want to be governed by racist, drunken morons, VOTE DEMOCRAT!!!
Please take the time to comment.
Obomba's Waterloo.
What Roderick said.
Hey man...what are you doing posting on this blog? I thought you had gone into retirement...maybe to take care of your health like Urban, or something.
Yeah TD, we are screwed! Screwed into a post for sure. I just don't think we have enough ropes to hold these retards back before the next Congress.
CL, no shit.
Roderick, I have no idea how AIG is going to pay anything back unless they get another huge infusion of cash from the taxpayers. Well, that is unless Fannie and Freddie double down on loaning money to people that cannot pay it back. Oh wait!!!
Andy, time to purchase a time share in Costa Rica.
Hey Andy,
Life just gets real busy sometimes.
Even if you go to Costa Rica, your still a US American and as such your still under the taxing jurisdiction of the US gov't even if you live outside the borders.
Like they say, freedom isn't free...somebody has to pay for it.
Roderick, you can continue to file US Income Tax Returns with ZERO income. It is called LYING.
Lying is SOP in the Democrap-run Congress and White House, so why don't a hundred million 'Mericans use government standards on their '09 tax returns? Let's hear Barry call that "criminal", while he put tax cheats in his admin.
Skunkfeathers, changing your withholding is not illegal. Filing your income tax returns at the end of the year without enclosing what you owe is not illegal, but it would reduce the amount of money that they have in DC. If you did not do this when the Democrats took Congress, you are behind the curve, SIR.
TD, I have not...oh crap...I'd better e-mail you. Costa Rica, and taxes shall be the subjeck!
I ain't dun it yet, making the paltry livin' I do. But I kin start ;-) My pet rock just became a deduction ;-)
I ain't dun it yet, making the paltry livin' I do. But I kin start ;-) My pet rock just became a deduction ;-)
What Roderick said.
Hey man...what are you doing posting on this blog? I thought you had gone into retirement...maybe to take care of your health like Urban, or something.
Yeah TD, we are screwed! Screwed into a post for sure. I just don't think we have enough ropes to hold these retards back before the next Congress.
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