It is still snowing at the bunker and it is really beautiful, too. I cannot remember a clear snow like this in my lifetime. Usually we have that dirty crap with ice mixed in and all kinds of trouble. The temperature has hovered around 38/39 since the sun came up, so maybe the ice won't be too bad. Good luck to the Moron Family that always has a tendency to run out immediately and jump in the car to go ride around and take camera phone pictures while singing Fiddy songs. Seriously, that family is just stupid.
Conservative blogger poll at Right Wing News. Some answers were surprising to me, the same way it surprises me how much I like bacon every time I eat it.
President Idiot is out telling whoppers, again. Why do media outlets even let him speak? Oh. Now, I remember. He makes them tingle. But, why did none of them simply point out that despite his statement of oo-koodles of filibusters last year, there was NOT ONE?
Oh yeah, before I forget, that global warming causes more snow link from yesterday? The SCIENCE of the actual occurrence, kinda disputes that lie. Warmer air? Not so much.
Here is a clip of the Religion of Peace, BEHEADING A WOMAN, while President Obama's words are played in the background. Hmmmm, that is weird, huh? (WARNING!)
Luckily, we are starting to see movement in the country's opinion polls of Obama's failing policies. Here's a rehash of the Obama failures. Sorry, no successes are apparent at this time.
And also, Obama projects adding 95k jobs per month during HIS recovery. Ignore that the recovery has yet to start and READ THIS.
You know who objects to those BODY SCANNERS in the airport? MUSLIMS. I. AM. SHOCKED.
If you are in need of a little humor, the moron shief of Air America blames the network's overwhelming failure on the "Darwinian World of Market Forces." I peed in my pants laughing at that analogy. Luckily the pee was WARM.
Vegetarianism destroys the planet more quickly than eating MEAT. Wow, more leftist "science" is debunked. Was there ever ANY doubt about that?
For Balemtimes Day, get your chick some chocolate if you do not want HER TO DIE!!!!
Here's some dating videos to give you some ideas for finding that special someone.
And for my exact response to President Idiot's claim to Iraq being a success of his administration, let's check what Uncle Jimbo has to say....
Please take the time to comment.
Barry lies like a cheap rug, while his f***ing libtard minions screw the pooch at taxpayer expense. Watch Congressional Dumbasscraps start trying to run to the middle, to save their elected asses in November.
And I see word verif has been taken over by Barry's Goverment Motors. Now it has an at its worst.
Skunkfeathers, I do believe that people are seeing now what they knew to be the case when they pulled the lever for Barry. They actually thought simply because he was black that he was going to be a good dude. Why half of the country bases their decisions on race befuddles me to death.
Andy, if you think that my blog is not retarded, I know now that you are not reading it. Basil is one of the big boys.
Okay, I pulled it back together. Dude, you show up in the list...I'd just love to have scraps from your table.
And, I am still shaking from watching the video. I wanted to believe that it was one of those fake "snuff films," but I'm pretty sure it's for real.
I would go back and try to pick it apart, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't get through it.
We are surely fighting evil. And, I'm not sure that we have enough evil in us to prevail. I know how we can overcome them...but I'm not sure we can elect another Truman.
Just sayin'.
Heh! I'd tell you my wv, but you wouldn't believe it.
There is no more barbaric act than that of beheading another human being. Anyone who believes that negotiation with a race and religion which holds the removal of the heads of non-believers in such high regard should be ridiculed and chased out of this free nation, to pursue life in a nation which advocates such behavior.
CL, I am working on that chasing. Really.
"One of the big boys?" Dude! Why you make fun of my weight??!!? First MI'Sel, now you. Give a fat boy a break!
Dang, NANCY, I was talking about your blogging powah. You want me to get your PURSE and SHAWL outta the car?
TD, Basil told me that you are on the top of Obama's list to replace Rahm, seeing as y'all both regularly call Senate democrats f'ing retards.
Does Basil really have a purse?
Andy, if he does, he doesn't carry it to baseball games.
Yeah, I remember you telling me about the Blogger-meeter, and the ball game. Basil offered to meet up with me in his town when I went there.
But when he found out I was a friend of yours, he retracted the invite. Just joshin'...
Good folks out there, huh?
You should have skipped the military graduation to hang out with Basil. You can always see the kiddos.
According to that poll
94% said no to seceding from the US??
Really just 6% said yes to that,I am speechless...really.
Don't any of those self professed conservative morons know anything about unfunded federal mandates and the 10th amendment.
Secession is a tool that can be used when there is no federal respect for state sovereignty. Like legal mary jane dispensaries out here is cali, the federal thugs kept raiding them to enforce "federal" drug laws.
Roderick, I think they raid the weed huts because they are populated with douchebags, but I could be wrong.
Either that, or Barry's Feds see it as a way to get their medical marijuana brownies fer free...da Chee-cago way...
Okay, I pulled it back together. Dude, you show up in the list...I'd just love to have scraps from your table.
And, I am still shaking from watching the video. I wanted to believe that it was one of those fake "snuff films," but I'm pretty sure it's for real.
I would go back and try to pick it apart, but I'm pretty sure I couldn't get through it.
We are surely fighting evil. And, I'm not sure that we have enough evil in us to prevail. I know how we can overcome them...but I'm not sure we can elect another Truman.
Just sayin'.
Heh! I'd tell you my wv, but you wouldn't believe it.
TD, Basil told me that you are on the top of Obama's list to replace Rahm, seeing as y'all both regularly call Senate democrats f'ing retards.
Does Basil really have a purse?
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