Thursday, May 20, 2010

Draw Muhammad Day - UPDATED!!!

In honor of the Religion of Peace's cult leader, I submit my entry into the Draw Mulehammered Day contest.
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I call this piece of high quality artwork, "Mulehamster and New Bride Check Out Their Bitching New Ride!"

Basil has an interview with Molehammich

Andy has NUDE PHOTOS of Miss USA and Mornhamling.

Classicaliberal has an entry into photographic history of Mudhagar and his boyfriend Kevn.

Pam Meister has a rendering of the pedophile, Moonraker.

The Jawa Report submits pr0n movies with the prophet, Manhandler.
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Moonbattery has a hip-hop M-Dawg.
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I do not even want to contemplate Dan Collins entry.
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UPDATE: And WTF?!?!?! I want to KILL Innominatus for this one. After I get through puking.

Even Gateway Pundit has joined in the fun!
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UPDATE: Big Hollywood shows how Mo-Harmed's mellow gets harshed.
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UPDATE: Doug Mataconis has the Lars Vilks originals.
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But, Jumping in Pools stays above the fray.

Have a great Draw Mooooolhammit Day!!!

UPDATE: Shocker of all schockers, the Religion of Peace has brought out the Death Threat Ray.....
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Please take the time to comment or click one of the 'Share/Save' buttons.


innominatus said...

WOoOoo! Somebody clicked on my mo'mad post from here, and it was my 10,000 hit! You probably get that much in an afternoon, but for me, I'm strutting around proudly.

Paul Mitchell said...

innominatus, I do not normally get anywhere near the traffic that I have the past three days. And your MacHammet post was just nasty.

Andy said...

Paul, Inno's was classic. And, your's ain't bad at all. Jeez Louise...can you believe how thin-skinned these valiant followers of The Prophet are?

Sure you can.

Dude, the one with the dookie-head almost made me spew.

BTW, thank you so very much for the link. I will forever be in your debt. I checked the referring URL count a while ago, and there were exactly two from this post. I owe you. BIG TIME!

Seriously TD, it's interesting to me how this "big day" has drawn a line in so many ways. It's all too long to write in a comment, but I've been fascinated by the way it has unfolded.

A second BTW: I wish I'd have thought of Lester The Molester, and his child bride...

Paul Mitchell said...

Andy, the ONLY traffic I am getting is on that thong/ass/Rima post with 1.2 page views per click. I ain't made NO MONEY today. Go figger.

But, I cannot BUY a damned fatwa today.

Andy said...

Sucks, don't it?

Paul Mitchell said...

At the rate that I was getting click money, I had that island in my portfolio already. Now? Not so much.

(Dead) Tommy5 said...


It isn't so funny now is it?

Andy said...

Aaaaah...back to the salt mines.

Tommy, I don't think we can blame that on Paul. I mean, it is MA we're talking about here...

Dapper Dan said...

Paul, The Firebird is genius. And so is the baby carrier. Not being an artiste, I'm linking to this later tonight, if'n you don't mind.

Paul Mitchell said...

Dan, my images are all open source. Steal at will, make up an awesome story.

Skunkfeathers said...

Paul, I'm late to the fatwah, but I'll email you my Mohammad (and rightly so, I reckon) picture of him riding his trusty camel to da pilgrimmage.


Skunkfeathers said...

Okay, so I can't draw, have apparently taste or judgment in pictures, and am an infidel to boot. Despite that, I have visited your last link and posted a message to my followers to lighten up. Yes, I was channeling Mohammed, via a 1970s vintage Johnson CB radio with an Ugly Stik antenna. They can come kill me now.

Skunkfeathers said...

That's NO taste or judgment (or typing ability). Sorry, Paul.

Moron Pundit said...

Wow, I laughed out loud. I really did.

Paul Mitchell said...

Moron Pundit, you just KNOW that Mo is a Trans Am guy.

doubleplusundead said...

See, I woulda guessed Mo was more of a beat up panel van guy...

Dapper Dan said...

I like your Moh Firebird, but now that I think of it, Moh is an Aztek guy.

Moron Pundit said...

Wow, I laughed out loud. I really did.

Dapper Dan said...

I like your Moh Firebird, but now that I think of it, Moh is an Aztek guy.

paul mitchell said...

At the rate that I was getting click money, I had that island in my portfolio already. Now? Not so much.