Since we have elected an intellectually incurious DOLT to the highest office in the land, we have recreated the stunning success of the Jimmuh Cartuh ERROR. Folks, face it, this guy is a simpering imbecile and no amount of praise coming from the morons on the left can elevate Barry Obama beyond the IQ level of BUFFOON.
There is NO POSSIBLE WAY to spin things in any other fashion. Obama's ideology hovers right around TRAINWRECK status. No only that, he will never actually appear for any type of Q&A session with the press to address his ever mounting failures and that very same press is not going to screech about it. Instead, we get daily status updates equaling the journalistic integrity of a Tiger Beat column. Hell, the Barrystream Media and the sycophants on the left even have to continue to prop up the IMPEACHED President, Bill Clinton.
(Yes, Bill Clinton WAS impeached. Please shut up, Clinton's impeachment is FACT.)
Only the seriously STUPID continue to think that President Obama and the Democrats are not dangerously wrong in their actions. Check out the leftie blogs and you shall see that obviously what they are rooting for is the total economic meltdown of the entire world. Remember, they hold the philosophy that actively promotes for everyone to be equally poor. That is the first premise of liberalism.
And people that possess even a MARGINAL amount of intelligence know that Democrats are freaking stupid. Only the supremely STUPID still support the Democrats in power. If you still support Obama's agenda, you, my friend, are an idiot. You have reached the height of your intelligence and are suited for....Hell, I cannot even come up with an occupation where you could excel, crash test dummy, perhaps? If you are still currently supporting the direction our country is headed, you offer no benefit to the planet at all, not even from the position of being a doorstop.
The final remaining "indicator" (that the left could even point to that was outperforming ALL expectations) was the DJIA. It is now back below ten thousand. Remember the post round-up that I did to PROVE that my statements were right about the minimum wage and the economy? Again and again, I point to the FACT that I was right in my statements. Of course, there are still those imbeciles that do not believe what I said EVEN THOUGH IT HAS COME TRUE.
Remember the posts that told of future calamity if Barry Obama's Path to FAIL was followed? Again, everything has come true and Obama's agenda has failed at every point. Until the Democrats and every moron that believes as they do are CRUSHED in the political arena, something that should have happened when the Democrats stood firm on continuing slavery, there shall be NO RELIEF in any form. Bad ideas have to die the death that they deserve. We need to quit listening to idiots at every point and show them how they are freaking stupid. Of course, they will never understand their stupidity BECAUSE they are stupid.
Remember how everyone with minimal intelligence kept telling us what was in the ObamaCare legislation and the Barrystream Media kept saying that those things were untrue? Yes, all of the doom and gloom WAS TRUE and it continues to be PROVEN. You can call it "rationing" or you can call it a shiny new firetruck, but it is STILL RATIONING no matter what you call it.
Remember when I told you that ALL Democrats are criminals? Just because the Barrystream Media continues to REFUSE to name criminals' party does NOT mean they are NOT Democrats. Criminals are Democrats. Sorry, that is just a fact.
I also do not care that the illegal Mexicans in this country will not answer the census. THEY ARE ILLEGALS. They do not NEED to be counted. Since these illegal Mexicans are BY DEFINITION "criminals," you know they are Democrats because criminals are Democrats.
Here is a great video of what normal people believe. It should make the heads of half of the criminal Democrats explode from watching the eleven minutes of awesome.
And here is a video of what idiots believe. Seriously, does Sam Donaldson prove to you any better that Democrats are idiots?
Now, everyone that is NOT an idiot, make the decision to point out how freaking stupid Democrats are at every point. Democrat should rank right up there with child molester on the hierarchy of terrible things to be in life.
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Merciful Lord, Sam Donaldson has the worst rug I have ever laid eyes on. I wonder if he really does not know how foolish he looks, or how retarded he sounds.
I'll give Donaldson credit for stating history somewhat correctly. And, I will give Bubba his cred. I remember that. It is his job as the leader of the free world to go and speak truth to slave-holders.
It is not some greasy wetback's job to come in to my House and lecture US on what is decent, righteous, or appropriate. It is every bit as bad as Aquavelvajad coming to the US and dis'ing us...but even worse. He was not invited to crap in the middle of our living room floor, and then have half the Congress lick it up.
Merciful Lord, Sam Donaldson has the worst rug I have ever laid eyes on. I wonder if he really does not know how foolish he looks, or how retarded he sounds.
I'll give Donaldson credit for stating history somewhat correctly. And, I will give Bubba his cred. I remember that. It is his job as the leader of the free world to go and speak truth to slave-holders.
It is not some greasy wetback's job to come in to my House and lecture US on what is decent, righteous, or appropriate. It is every bit as bad as Aquavelvajad coming to the US and dis'ing us...but even worse. He was not invited to crap in the middle of our living room floor, and then have half the Congress lick it up.
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