Saturday, August 28, 2010

Obama Keeps an Eye Out for the Smallest Success

Has anyone seen the Smartest President in History?

Folks, seriously, reading the news is like continually hearing about the single most incompetent boob ever to live. I find it hard to believe that that most incompetent boob was actually elected President of the United States of America, that just seems too far-fetched to be true. But, evidence keeps mounting.

And since we at MoM have been amassing evidence since October 2005 of exactly how stupid Barry Obama is, we have ASSLOADS of it. Just check the label, we now have three HUNDRED forty-three posts of the ObamaFAIL.

How is it possible that Barry Obama was ever elected to the Illinois State House, much less the United States Senate, and finally the Presidency? I have racked my brain trying to find the people upon which to place blame for our national predicament. Here's where the blame lies.

DEADBEATS that do not work and want working families to pony up the dust to support the deadbeats. Sorry, I attempted to interview some of these Obama voters, but I could not understand what they were saying. And Basil was unavailable to translate.

COLLEGE STUDENTS that attend our institutions of higher learning, not based on individual merit and ambition, but based upon those students' past need for working families' handouts. Talk to pretty much any college student these days and their reasoning for attending school is their desire to CHANGE THE WORLD. The day that one of those moonbats says, "The reason I am in college is because I have the NEED to cure cancer." is the day that I drop dead from shock.

An education major was polled for his/her/ambiguous other's response and that was, "Gjrih nuugesf buhsuehr whoop-whoop!" That was the closest that I could come to the translation. REALLY. I honestly believe that one of the pre-reqs to be admitted into Ed School is that you are retarded or a militant abortionist.

I tried to interview a journalism major but he (I think HE) was obviously too busy smoking weed and masturbating.

UNION LEADERS that do nothing but party with the money confiscated from people forced to join the unions because of Democrat corruption and regulations passed to keep union in business. I didn't attempt to interview any of these thugs because I do not want what happened to Jimmy Hoffa to happen to me.

Now, before any of you little, Democrat nancy-boys start e-mailing me with your feelings all hurt about how I denigrated the Democrat voter base, shut the fuck up. I do not care what you think. You are an idiot and are useless to the planet.

On to the Democrat philosophical news of the day.

Hey, you know what is a really GOOD Democrat idea? Do not prosecute the bombers of the USS Cole. The reason that the Obama "Justice" Department is not going to do anything to those responsible for bombing our ships and killing our sailors is because Democrats HATE HATE HATE our military and our country. They always have and always will. Of course, they are going to LIE and say that they do.

Here's a whole round-up of Democrat corruption news. This is TYPICAL Democrat behavior. They do this crap every single day.

By the way, did anyone ever figure out exactly what the Hell Barry Obama meant about the Manhattan Muslim Victory Trophy when he said, "Lemme be clear?" YEP.

Do you wonder, like I do, if Barry still has the vest and jacket that matches these acid-washed Mom Jeans?

Obama's panty-wearing booty-boy, Ed Schultz, is kinda in need of shock treatments and the rubber thing to keep him from biting his tongue in half. In the insanity farm that IS MSNBC, Ed is a four star general leading the crazies into oblivion.

Mike Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, states that Obamanomics and Democrat political and economic stupidity is the biggest obstacle to our continued national security.

Klavan on Barry Obama's Manhattan Muslim Victory Trophy.

Please take the time to comment.


Skunkfeathers said...

Maybe we can watch Schultz self-vaporlock on the air.

If I could bring myself to listen to that outhouse of libtardism spew, that is.

Paul Mitchell said...

Skunkfeathers, Ed is really going to have a heart attack on air. What an unhinged ignoramus.

Andy said...

Basil was unavailable to translate.


Anonymous said...

Why do you hate Celine Dion's husband so much?

marc in calgary

Paul Mitchell said...

Holy crap, Marc, the Muslim Victory guy IS René Angélil. Dammit, I knew he loved familiar.

Anonymous said...

Why do you hate Celine Dion's husband so much?

marc in calgary

Andy said...

Basil was unavailable to translate.


Skunkfeathers said...

Maybe we can watch Schultz self-vaporlock on the air.

If I could bring myself to listen to that outhouse of libtardism spew, that is.