Remember, the Obamessiah had made plans to stop at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to visit wounded troops on Friday, but abruptly canceled plans and his minions blamed it on McCain influencing the powers that be at the Pentagon.
Oddly, that is yet another flat-out lie to be glossed over by the Old Guard Media. The real reason is that it seems that the media was not to be allowed in the hospital. So Barry decided not to go.
HERE's the press release as issued by the Obamoron's campaign, printed word for word by Al Reuters. Nope, no media bias at all there. Those lying bags of shit at the Pentagon.
HERE's another obamagasm in the media. My favorite line is "Obama....added some advice he had heard from someone who worked in the Clinton White House." All fat, stupid interns, Scotchguard your blue dresses. The Obama-Skeet-Machine is rolling into town.
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(Image stolen shamelessly from one of my daily reads. I suck at blogging, but will make the effort to find the original poster. That image is just perfect for this story though, it is just missing every American man, woman, and child that loves our country. And a semen stained blue dress.)
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