At the end of the first week, Rookie President and Man Who Has Never Accomplished Anything, Barry Obama, has delivered us a TWO PERCENT drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. When in the mortal Hell is he going to address the economy? It's like he has no concern at all for reducing the burden on the Middle Class. His presidency is an absolute trainwreck. Barry's Economy Score: 0
In the War Against Islam, Barry has signed an Executive Order to close Camp X-Ray at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba within the next year. There are currently about 245 murdering Muslims housed there. I assume that he is going to import the terrorists into the United States. Articles of Surrender are probably in the works to be signed next week. Barry's National Security Score: 0
The last measure on Rookie President and Man Who Has Never Accomplished Anything, Barry Obama, deals with government services. He is currently working on an infrastructure package that delivers ONE TRILLION dollars to the renovation of infrastructure in our country. A full THREE PERCENT of that money will go to actually improve infrastructure, the rest is for administrative costs. Barry's Infrastructure Score: 0
Just so you know, this is the MOST SUCCESSFUL effort to date on anything that Rookie President and Man Who Has Never Accomplished Anything, Barry Obama, has ever attempted in his lifetime, except for winning the presidency.
Enjoy, George Soros bought and paid for this. We shall suffer the consequences.

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that's the exact conversation is was having with my dad earlier tonight. sorry to all who thought they would never have to buy gas after the inaugurat-a-maton, so far, O isn't impressing me.
and i bet they are still paying for gas, too.
but that cartoon ROCKS!
The "accomplishments" will begin to accrue geometrically, now that he's getting his Clintonista cabinet appointees in place to further and hasten the f***ing up of America, to the delight of moonbats and the enemy.
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