The economy of the United States was firing on all cylinders BECAUSE OF REPUBLICANS. Not because of Bill Clinton, even though the media outlets preached that it was Clinton that caused this expansion, it was the limited government model of the Republicans that CAUSED and SUSTAINED this growth.
With enough LYING AND MANIPULATING, the mainstream media was able to convince the populace that they were not getting richer even though the average wage had increased by a factor of twenty percent in those twelve years and the Republicans were removed from the helm.
Instead of returning to the philosophy that caused economic growth and unprecedented expansion, the Democrats have taken the exact opposite approach that has failed EVERY SINGLE TIME it has been tried. There are even some folks that REFUSE to look back to the end of the 1970s in OUR COUNTRY when this exact same model was tried and FAILED MISERABLY, under the direction of Barry Obama's MENTOR, Jimmy Carter, coupled with the stupidity of a Democrat Congress.
There exist some folks, that even though they see these very policies FAILING AT AN ALARMING RATE, want to STEP UP the implementation of the very ideology that is causing the economy to plummet. Folks, YOU SEE IT in alarming swiftness reducing your retirement to HALF of its value that it held just TWO SHORT YEARS AGO.
It has ONLY taken the Democrat Congress TWO FRIGGIN' YEARS to damn near undo all of the hard work of Republicans for the PREVIOUS TWELVE. There is a solution, but ANYONE with an IQ approaching 65 KNOWS that it doesn't rest in the ideology of the Democrats. How obvious does something have to be?
Gateway Pundit has more on the market and consumer confidence.
If you want to do these graphs for yourself, GO HERE, and the dates at the top of the charts/graphs may be changed. You can do this for ANY market sign that you want. (Someone decided that I had doctored these graphs and e-mailed me, I challenge anyone to get the info for themselves.)
Please take the time to comment.
Take a look at the DOW on Nov 7, 2000. Then look at same Nov 4, 2008. Compare to today's market close. Furthermore, most deep technicians of the market are predicting the DOW sinks another 600-1000 before the bloodletting stabilizes and even then they can't be sure it will be over then. Everyone reading do everything you can to reduce personal debt ASAP. This is an epochal event.
JJD, I had most of my stuff in VTI up until October 2007 when I cashed out around 78, today it is worth 37.17. The 6000s shall happen tomorrow. No lie, Barry should immediately resign and flee the country, he has destroyed what little bit of confidence citizens had in our country's future in ONE month.
Greed is good AND greed kills. You've learned your lessons very well grasshopper. It is never too late for others to make wise decisions.
Seriously, it breaks my heart to talk with people who have ridden this market into the crapper.
I actually missed the cut off for getting out after the second quarter or I would have made/kept more money. When the Party of the Morons increased minimum wage, I decided to get out. I was right, well except for the day traders and shorters that are making a killing.
If you take Rush's ballsack out of your mouth; people would listen to you!
The power trio, Rush, or the radio personality?
LOL maybe if you took Jon Stewart's ballsack out of your mouth you would look at the reality of the economic situation and see it in black and white. Numbers don't lie. Neolibs do.
Anon 12:20 are you referring to me or Anon 7:33?
Color me confused.
Anon 12:20 are you referring to me or Anon 7:33?
Color me confused.
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