Tuesday, March 17, 2009

The Bearer of More Bad News

The news story of the day is that AIG is paying bonuses to the folks that Barry blames for AIG's collapse. Just today, Barry said that he was going to try to stop those bonuses. And just today, the McCainiac tried to say that the bonuses were just cuh-razee.

THEY BOTH VOTED FOR THE AIG BAILOUT. Not only that, they both KNEW that those bonuses were going to be paid. In other words, THEY ARE BOTH LYING.

What is not being mentioned during this whole BONUS DISTRACTION is that AIG doesn't still have the bailout money. Where did it go and why do we not hear about that?

First, run The Google on "AIG bailout money." See what is being discussed? Nothing but those pesky bonuses, right? The bonuses amounted to 165 million dollars. OVER ONE HUNDRED SEVENTY BILLION dollars was given to AIG. The bonus money amounts to a fraction of ONE PERCENT (0.19%) of the bailout given to AIG. In other words, it means NOTHING.

Where in the world did the other NINETY-NINE PLUS PERCENT go? Well, we do know that around ninety-five BILLION went to European banks like Deutsche Bank and their subsidiaries. Remember, supposedly Deutsche Bank is financially sound. Wonder why they got US tax dollars? Is it that "too big to fail" mantra?

What other LIES are being told about the bonuses? Well, the one about Chris Dodd (Dumbass-CT) coughing up his ginormous skull over the bonuses, when he is credited with adding language into the Welfare for Welfare Package that expressly PROTECTS those bonuses. What would you call that? Lying? Or is he just incompetent and cannot remember what in the Hell he does day to day?

Folks, our federal government has reached the level of sheer corruption. Do NOT allow their buddies in the equally corrupt Barrystream Media to hoodwink you, because that is exactly what those morons are doing.

Please take the time to comment.


ChristinaJade said...

and don't forget about the $101,332.00 that O got from AIG himself in the form of campaign contributions. small potatoes in terms of the overall bailout, but large potatoes when you are thinking about political contributions.

and that 11 of the peeps getting bonuses aren't even employed there anymore.

but the main thing is, the bonuses were already part of the bailout. you make an excellent point, a fraction of a percentage is not the big deal.

but it sure is keeping everyone focused away from the real issue...where the big money REALLY went.

christinajade said...

and don't forget about the $101,332.00 that O got from AIG himself in the form of campaign contributions. small potatoes in terms of the overall bailout, but large potatoes when you are thinking about political contributions.

and that 11 of the peeps getting bonuses aren't even employed there anymore.

but the main thing is, the bonuses were already part of the bailout. you make an excellent point, a fraction of a percentage is not the big deal.

but it sure is keeping everyone focused away from the real issue...where the big money REALLY went.