I linked Christina Jade's post yesterday about this mobwatch thingy on the Twittah, then I jumped on for a couple of seconds last night and BAM!, I am marked. What in the Hell does this mean?
Funny, I remember just a few short years ago, the Party of the Perpetually Unemployed was losing their shit over the Patriot Act and alleged "unconstitutional" government intrusion into our lives. Okay, so NOW they support a complete and total takeover of our lives by the government? Yes, they are idiots and should never be allowed to serve in any capacity beyond the check out counter at the Mini Mart.
Honestly, this is actually the norm even from the Party of the People that Employ the Frigging Country, too. It seems that whichever party gets control immediately starts passing legislation that adds more regulations to our already massively over-regulated lives. Dude, who in the Hell actually needs people in DC to tell them how to survive? And if there are actually some people that need that, why do we not just move them to DC and let them live there? This seems so simple to me.
And this morning, I get this crap. Excuse me, Mr. Moron That Thinks That I Give One Shit About What You Think You Are Going to Install on MY Vehicle, but I could not care less whether or not you pass this bill, because you ARE NOT going to put this on my car. The inspection shit that you force me to do once a year, and the license plate that you force me to put on MY vehicle once a year is already too oppressive in my very sensitive opinion.
And if you want to continue to OPPRESS me and piss me off, I shall simply file my paperwork, get my FRIGGING Native American status, and drop off the face of the Earth. Not only that, I will drag numerous people with me and remove even more productivity and WEALTH from your NEED.
What Barry and his MORON MINIONS fail to understand is this: Without my philosophical brethren, y'all would not even have the frigging Fleshlight. (<--kinda not safe for work)
So, let's get this straight, WE DO NOT NEED BARRY AND HIS BROWNSHIRTS, they NEED US. The sooner that y'all realize this, the sooner we will get back to feeding, housing, clothing, and physically taking care of you losers. Until the left recognizes that we are THEIR BETTERS, we will allow them to starve.
OH! Pam Meister is on the same page as I am today! Coincidence? Or massively organized, BIG HEALTHCARE organized event?
Please take the time to comment.
Is she that hot chick in that video? Dude, she is "smokin"!
The only video here is the one linked on the Fleshlight site. I am guessing that I don't know any of those chicks. Not well anyway, it was strictly a business transaction. Money changed hands, but no kissing.
I never really put too much into that whole "red list/blue list" stuff that Alex Jones screeches about all the time. After all the crap that has happened the past week or so? Maybe. I'll keep you posted.
Have you been reported to "flag@whitehouse.gov" yet? Joy and happiness, I got sent in twice (that I know of) YESTERDAY! YAY!
Dude, I hold my Great-Grandmother's canning recipes, and I'm damn good at it. Put me down for a reservation at Paul's Conservative Commune.
Here was a country that had everything, absolutely everything. And now, 20 years later, is what? The world's biggest leper colony. Why? Godlessness. Let me say that again... Godlessness. It wasn't the war they started. It wasn't the plague they created.
It was Judgement.
No one escapes their past.
No one escapes Judgement. You think he's not up there? You think he's not watching over this country? How else can you explain it? He tested us, but we came through. We did what we had to do. Islington. Enfield. I was there, I saw it all. Immigrants, Muslims, homosexuals, terrorists. Disease-ridden degenerates. They had to go. Strength through unity. Unity through faith.
Anon, WHA????
And it is spelled "JUDGMENT." Just saying.
Paul & CJ, I didn't wait to be reported on the tattletale Barry site; I reported myself, and told them why I was and would remain opposed to HR 3200...because that flaming unAmerican beeeyotch Bela Pelosi had her conflict of interest, hypocritical DNA all over it.
They can kiss my pherflumeafungy.
And now, a local radio talk show dude (and a real loon, albeit one on our side of the argument) is urging everyone to flood the tattletale email addy. So I sent 'em one from all 8 of my accounts ;)
I'll save ya a nice cell in the gulag when I git there...
Skunk, there's lots of folks sending all their email spam to flag at whitehouse dot gov. So Barry can order all the Canadian Viagra he wants now. HA.
Hey y'all! We're screwed...as far as what we remember as a normal way of life. It may not ever be like it was, and I am coming to grips with that now.
But we've got something they can't take. Our integrity! They can kiss my old flat ass in Macy's window! I will never stop hiding behind RPM, Christina, and Skunks, as y'all take the arrows.
Seriously, this junk is enough to make me think what I used to think back in the early 90's when GHW Bush was "black helicoptering" all of my libertarian buddies, and then when Bigfoot Reno was torching chilluns in Waco.
HA! My word verification is "condoleze"
You're aware that meatstain linked this post?
Andy! What an ideer! I just got three new scammers...now I know where to direct 'em! They'll get my money via "bailouts" and "income redistribution"!
Oops..do I really wanna do that?
Andy, stand behind me, I got ya'.
CL, yeah, I saw StupidMoronHead linked, so I turned off backlinks to this post. If he ever gets any traffic, maybe I'll let him link here just for the sheer comedic gold. Until he is relevant, I think I'll pass.
Skunks, we are paying for everything they get to live on in The Sudan and the other scammer countries, might as well help them out a bit. IT'S ONLY MONEY!!!!
Hey y'all! We're screwed...as far as what we remember as a normal way of life. It may not ever be like it was, and I am coming to grips with that now.
But we've got something they can't take. Our integrity! They can kiss my old flat ass in Macy's window! I will never stop hiding behind RPM, Christina, and Skunks, as y'all take the arrows.
Seriously, this junk is enough to make me think what I used to think back in the early 90's when GHW Bush was "black helicoptering" all of my libertarian buddies, and then when Bigfoot Reno was torching chilluns in Waco.
HA! My word verification is "condoleze"
Andy, stand behind me, I got ya'.
CL, yeah, I saw StupidMoronHead linked, so I turned off backlinks to this post. If he ever gets any traffic, maybe I'll let him link here just for the sheer comedic gold. Until he is relevant, I think I'll pass.
Skunks, we are paying for everything they get to live on in The Sudan and the other scammer countries, might as well help them out a bit. IT'S ONLY MONEY!!!!
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